Sunday, February 21, 2010

Later That Day

Okay, so later that morning, after the phone call with the parent (turned out it wasn't so bad after all), I ended up racing down the hallway to cover a duty. It was 8:00 and the teacher who was supposed to be on duty called to say she was stuck in traffic and wouldn't be in until the first bell rang. I was going to have to cover the duty. Which wouldn't have been so bad, except for the fact that on my way there one of my 6 first grade teachers stopped me to say that her ceiling was leaking and that it felt like it was about 100 degrees in there. I said, "Of course it's leaking. It wouldn't be leaking if it was 20 degrees." She gave me a blank stare and I realized I was thinking out loud, all the while still moving away from her, needing to get to my post. I pulled my radio off my hip and she nodded, knowing that I would call the custodian. Not that this would take care of anything.

I think people are used to seeing me running down the hallway, always off to the next thing. That still doesn't stop them from stopping me to ask if I have a minute. I never understood this, yet I do. I mean, who else are they going to tell? I've always wanted to ask if it looks like I have minute, but I realize there is just no way this can come out sounding even remotely professional. All I ask, however, is that they write it down in addition to telling me. I will never be able to remember the hundreds of things I need to remember unless I have it in writing. When I first started asking people to do this, they looked at me questioningly, no doubt wondering if I was capable of this job. I have since moved beyond their befuddled looks, knowing that if it is to get done, I must have a written reminder. More later, friends. Wait till you hear what happened next...

Above is a picture of the hallway down which I went running, and continue to traverse nine million times daily. I don't really run, though. Someone once told me that if the leader runs, someone will think there is a fire somewhere, thus causing them and everyone else to run as well. I haven't tested this theory out, but it could be true.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to my internet diary, Jeffry!

    Althought there was no direct link from blog to blog, it was not too difficult to google you and finally detect you on "Linked in".

    Do you speak a little German (except kindergarden / Kindergarten , waldsterben / Waldsterben, bratwurst / Bratwurst, ...)

    Here's a list of German expressions in English - you MUST teach your pupils... ;-))

    Enjoy strolling through my blog and have fun learning to know a thing or two about German aspects of life, seen through my eyes respectively camera lens...

    Regards, Uwe ("you-wee")


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