Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday, March 5

March 5, 10:10pm

Long few days, wish I'd had more time to write.
ISAT Week.
Enough said, for anyone who understands what state testing week is like in a public school: Discipline gets put on hold (except for the extreme cases, of which there was only one), emails go unanswered, projects have to wait, classroom walkthroughs thin out, and the office is turned into "ISAT Central." We all do our best not to let the world stop during this week, but with pressures coming from all angles to succeed on this one, it's hard not to.


  1. Ahhhh the days of ISATS! Now that I'm in North Carolina we have End of Grade Tests - they happen in late May! If I remember correctly, ISATS are just as fun as EOGs. HA -- yeah - not fun at all!! Hope ya'll survive! Take care Jeff!! Tell everyone at Murphy I said hello!

  2. Hi Jen,

    Sounds great! Late May? What's that all about? Are they as severe as the ISATs? I hear a congratulations is in order! How exciting! Tell Ty hello, and I will tell Murphy hello for you.



Becoming Principal (Snippet #6)

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